Enjoy comforts of home…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 8, 2019

5.8.19 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

The Moon moves to cozy Cancer at 5:06 am. ET encouraging us to nest and enjoy the comforts of insular surroundings.  We strive to wrap ourselves in the cloak of safety and will devote our energy toward this end.

Moreover, we indulge in our fantasy world and the wonder of life and living when the Sun is sextile Neptune. Appreciate the marvels of nature and entertain new philosophical perspectives. Expect pleasant surprises.

Moreover, our ability to understand is sharpened.  We can connect ideas quickly and come up with original insights when Mercury meets Uranus.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Reflect and withdraw…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 7, 2019

5.7.19 Chart wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

Take some time alone to reflect and withdraw.  Strip away the superfluous from our style or social discourse with one another.  Sort through to what we consider real and lasting while Venus confronts Saturn.

As the Moon wends its way through Gemini throughout the course of the day, touching eight planets in some capacity, we can expect a range of thought-provoking responses to stimuli.  This morning we may be looking for spiritual reflection and become impatient to reach our ideals sooner rather than later.  By midday we feel closer to a spiritual baseline, and by evening we have the green light to charge forward toward our goals.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Root thought into the rich earth…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 6, 2019

Chart wheel 5.6.19

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

While the Gemini Moon enjoys flying from one subject to the next without much emotional depth, when Mercury makes its way into Taurus this afternoon, we’re better able to root our thoughts into the rich earth.  It’s time to plant our ideas for change firmly into solid ground. Water generously, and watch them take root.

Nevertheless, emotional connections may get deeper than the Gemini Moon’s normal comfort level when Luna makes stressful connections to both Saturn and Pluto.  We may need to strip away all that’s superfluous to get to the core of the matter.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.                                                                                                                                                     

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Make a fresh start; accomplish something big…

Weekend Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 4 – 5, 2019


5.4.19 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

Morning hours offer action and a desire to achieve when the Moon connects to Mars and Jupiter.  Be dynamic and step outside of tradition.  Find a unique style.

By afternoon, the New Moon in Taurus at 6:45 p.m. ET gives us the grounding we need to make a solid fresh start in a new direction.  We may finally feel we can find our emotional footing as we root ourselves in the fertile earth.


5.5.19 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

We are driven to accomplish something big when Mars opposes Jupiter.  Our energy level and self-confidence are high now.  We are brimming with enterprising energy.  But Mars also uncomfortable with Pluto may cause us to obsess over our purpose. Be aware that we may push harder than necessary to achieve our goals.

Work toward improving the quality of our lives, and that of the community in which we live while Mercury forms a loving novile to Neptune.  Seek happiness and call on spiritual assistance for guidance.  Design a new paradigm to reach our goals.  Furthermore, the Moon forming easy aspects to Neptune, Saturn and Pluto emphasize our piety.

The Moon moves to Gemini before midnight ET, stimulating our mind and encouraging us to connect the dots and facilitate conversation.  Communicating and helping one another understand our ideas is featured for the next two days.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.


Root ourselves in fertile earth, blossom naturally…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 3, 2019

chart wheel 5.3.19

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

The Moon moves to earthy Taurus at 4:17 p.m. ET offering a natural respite from the action under the Aries Moon.  Take a moment to root our self in the fertile earth and allow growth to blossom naturally.  An initial speed bump may occur, though, when the Moon meets Uranus, shaking up the status quo, but once separated, we feel as if we’re on solid ground again.

But before that, during early morning hours, we may experience the pangs of intensity when the Aries Moon confronts Pluto, trines Jupiter and meets Mercury.  Cathartic emotional outbursts are possible, but likely to generate progress or a breakthrough to understanding.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.


Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Uncover real meaning behind words…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 2, 2019

Chart wheel 5.2.19

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

We probe and poke to uncover the real meaning behind the words when Mercury confronts Pluto.  It may feel impossible to be satisfied with superficial answers as we look for the root causes of a problem or situation. We may even become obsessed with a situation or an idea if carried too far.

Moreover, we are inclined to inflate our view of the world when Mercury makes a fortunate connection to Jupiter.   Big picture thinking drives us.  Study new concepts and encourage abstract thinking.

Nevertheless, a morning meeting between the Aries Moon and Venus will help stabilize us in some sense, as we are encouraged to connect to traditions and to find commonality in one another on a personal level.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.


Move headstrong into new emotional journey around zodiac…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 1, 2019

5.1.19 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

The Moon to Aries at 6:24 a.m. ET helps us move headstrong into a new emotional journey around the zodiac. It’s easier now to break away from the crowd and blaze our own trail.

Additionally, our thought process may seem rather sharp and serious now when Mercury confronts Saturn.  We may finally see the foolishness of silly actions.  Our ability to pay attention also is heightened.  Use time to focus on detailed or mundane work that takes our full concentration. Mercury also forming an easy connection to Mars further emphasizes our desire to learn. Discuss plans and have an inspired debate.  We can feel confident and assert our ideas with clarity.

But instability rumbles beneath the surface as slow-moving Uranus and Neptune form a mildly challenging semi-square. We seek illumination and have a tendency to disconnect from material concerns.  Take care that sensitivity remains in check. 

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2019 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.