Serious and contemplative tone introduced…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 16, 2018

2.16.18 chart wheelA serious and contemplative tone is introduced when the Sun and Mercury near an exact meeting and form disciplined connections to Saturn. Take time to look critically at processes and plans. Seek answers to lingering questions. Maintain an open mind and look for symbolic meaning to reinforce decisions.

Above all we want to understand and reach clarity on a matter that is signicant in our lives. Achieving something tangible is a priority and moving toward that end will feel like success.

The Pisces Moon connecting to Venus and Saturn during morning hours supports a somber theme. A need to devote ourselves to that which gives our lives meaning may fill an emotional void.

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Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Use New Moon, partial Solar Eclipse as springboard…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 15, 2018

2.15.18 Chart WheelToday’s New Moon, partial Solar Eclipse occurs at 4:05 p.m. ET, in the last degrees of Aquarius, pushing us to make the most of the energy to understand how we fit into the big picture and to define our role in a broader landscape or organization.

Our look to the future will have roots in the past while the Moon also meets Mercury. But an easy alignment with Uranus pushes us to let loose and live in the moment. Use this energy as a springboard into the future.

The Moon’s move to Pisces at 9:41 p.m. ET encourages our interest in disparate parts of our emotional make up, and the connections we make will form a patchwork product of that which is emotionally significant.

It’s easier to respond to the needs of one another in a sincere and meaningful way when Venus forms a pleasant connection to Saturn. The same aspect between Mercury and Uranus encourages a free flow of ideas that can make a positive impact.

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Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Devotion to what we love…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 14, 2018


2.14.18 Chart WheelDevotion to what we love is featured on this Valentine’s Day when Venus mildly confronts Pluto. We could become compulsively drawn to the object of our affection, which feels appropriate, given the holiday. But a romantic vision may distort our perception, and we’ll seek to reach an idealized version of love or beauty that may not exist. Work to sort out what’s real and of lasting quality while Venus also connects in a disciplined aspect to Jupiter.

Nevertheless, becoming engrossed with an unusual idea or topic that’s off the beaten path is possible when Mercury forms and erratic connection to Pluto. Our love of ideas will help us come up with clever approaches to problem solving. We may feel bored with the routine and escape and make new discoveries, and the Aquarius Moon connecting to Mars will make work easy to complete.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

See the big picture…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 13, 2018


2.13.18 Chart WheelWe are inclined to see the big picture when Mercury confronts Jupiter. Try to understand new or different philosophical perspectives and explore alternate ways to approach a matter, especially as possible options to solving a problem. Moreover, the Moon moving to Aquarius at 10:11 a.m. ET encourages us to understand systems and how we fit into a broader landscape. Our emotional responses will be measured.

The Sun forms an easy connection to Uranus placing us in the moment. We can laugh at the foibles of life and come up with a quick response if needed. Venus also involved with Uranus in a disciplined aspect encourages focus and ability to sustain. Structured practices will appeal to us.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Excitement to achieve colors our actions…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 12, 2018

2.12.18 Chart WheelSift through information and get closer to the root of the matter when Mercury mildly challenges Saturn. Begin to plan strategy and develop a game plan.

But Mars forms an anxious connection to Uranus, possibly generating impatience to get the job done. Our excitement to achieve colors our actions and we may push too hard, though. Mercury also connects to Uranus in a minor erratic aspect giving us new ideas and encouraging inventive sparks to find a way around perceived roadblocks.

Emotions intensity when the Capricorn Moon meets Pluto this afternoon. Watch for sudden outbursts or strong expressions of emotions. Later when the Moon forms an easy aspect to Jupiter our feelings can calm and we can be more open and welcoming.

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Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Big self-expression; ponder serious issues…

Weekend Planetary Energy Report for February 10 – 11, 2018

Saturday2.10.18 Chart Wheel

Grow past our boundaries on Saturday and seek a big expression of self when the Sun confronts Jupiter. We want whatever we do or experience to be on a large scale. A desire to expand into new social groups or meet with people from different walks of life is also featured.

Moreover, Venus moves to Pisces this evening, encouraging a romantic vision of love or beauty. Our sensitivities are imaginative and collective, and we seek a bond that is strong, yet ethereal with the feel of gossamer.

Articulating our dreams and what gives our life meaning is a priority. Furthermore, we want to experience the excitement of achieving a goal when Mercury forms midpoint connections between Neptune and Pluto, and Mars and Uranus.

Take a step back and look objectively at a situation that may elicit a deep emotional response, though, when the Moon moves to Capricorn at 9:21 p.m. ET. We are better able to disconnect our personal biases and see a situation for what it is. Although the the Moon will also make an easy connection to Venus shortly after, we can exhibit compassion while being firm.

Sunday 2.11.18 Chart wheel

On Sunday the Capricorn Moon meets Saturn at 9:17 a.m. ET generating a serious approach to personal matters. Reflect and ponder weightier issues. An ability to strip away to the essence of the subject will help us find our compass.

Find our voice and individual expression. Happiness is a by-product of identifying our unique purpose, and satisfaction may be generated through our work for the greater good when the Sun and Mars form minor connections to Pluto.

Moreover, bring laughter and upbeat energy to all we do. We can become fascinated with an idea, so make sure we understand our message and put all our energy behind it to make it happen.

The final Sun-Moon position before next week’s New Moon, Partial Solar eclipse will give us that final push we are looking for to settle up unfinished business. Allow this transitional phase to help us clear the decks and start anew.

Find out how transits general impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Seek honesty and integrity…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 9, 2018

2.9.18 Chart WheelWe seek honesty and integrity, and to understand the consequences of our actions when the Sun mildly challenges Saturn. Moreover, resolution of disputes is favorable, and an attempt to heal and join with one another in unity is featured when loving, minor connections are formed between Venus and Mars, and Mercury and Saturn.

Our dreams and hopes for our lives want to find the light of day. Devote ourselves to identifying the magic and awe we crave in our lives. The ability to work hard toward our ideals is strong when the Sagittarius Moon meets Mars during early morning hours. Discuss our plans with loved ones or those closest to us.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Moods lighten under Sagittarius Moon…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 8, 2018

2.8.18 chart wheelThe Moon moves to Sagittarius at 8:53 a.m. ET, lightening our load and lifting our mood. The intensity of the past few days under the Scorpio Moon feels as if it’s leaving now and being replaced by hope and a resolve not to let difficulties get us down.

Give free rein to our inventive mind. Allow a love of ideas to clear a path before us. Consider insights that come to us in a flash when Mercury forms a creative connection to Uranus. Come up with a way to work smarter, not harder when the Sun makes the same connection to Mars.

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Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Begin to let go of the old, welcome the new…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 7, 2018

2.7.18 Chart WheelWe can begin to let go of the old and welcome the new, building on a revised platform during the third quarter Sun-Moon phase. As we start to wrap up this cycle start to re-orient ourselves in order to grow in an organized fashion.

Allow beautiful ideas into our world, and use visual intelligence to formulate our process. Attempt to get to the root of a spiritual question when a minor connection between Saturn and Neptune is exact.

The Scorpio Moon releases some emotion during early afternoon hours when it connects easily to Pluto, but later a big, pleasant and abundant feeling is generated when the Moon meets Jupiter.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Shake things up a bit…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for February 6, 2018

2.6.18 Chart Wheel
We may want to shake things up a bit in the romance department when Venus makes an easy connection to Uranus. Looking for something whimsical to add to our appearance or personal style is also featured. Entertain new possibilities. Allow an artistic vision to guide us.

Chances are that we won’t go too far afield, though, while the Scorpio Moon connects easily with Saturn. We want to be true to ourselves and each other, so high jinks will be subdued. Looking to the past may inspire us. Understanding how history or the psychological underpinnings of our current situation will add significantly to the conversation is a priority when the Moon builds to a confrontation with Mercury by evening.

As we near midnight, retreating to our our magical place is featured when the Moon makes a fortunate connection to Neptune. Get lost in our dreams for a better tomorrow.

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Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.