Dreams, wishes and fantasies about love and beauty are featured prominently when Venus confronts Neptune. There’s a chance we will see the world through rose-colored glasses and indulge in our imaginative perceptions. Allow artistic inclinations to emerge and find appropriate outlets.
In addition, the Virgo Moon paves the way and adds to the dreamy tone by confronting both Venus and Neptune during morning hours. Our emotions connect us to our visions in a big way, and we are better able to elevate the traditions that give our lives meaning as well as work to manifest our ideals.
Moreover, Mercury forming a disciplined septile to Neptune inclines us to think about symbolic meanings and a deeper significance of signs and happenings in our lives. Mystical subjects are in focus and may take on added meaning.
Later this evening the Moon forming fortunate aspects to Pluto and Jupiter helps us connect and identify with our bigger plans.
Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.
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