Enjoy battles of life and living…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for August 3, 2018

8.3.18 Chart Wheel

Art wheel courtesy of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

Let loose, experience something new and allow our love for a particular  style shine through while Venus forms minor connections to both Uranus and Pluto.  We’re inclined to think about mystical subjects or the symbolic meaning behind actions with Mercury and Neptune aligning in a disciplined fashion.

The Aries Moon forms an uneasy connection to Venus this morning encouraging us to re-create a specific feeling or experience that we knew from our past, yet may be hard to generate.

Later the Moon moves to Taurus at 3:51 p.m. ET, settling our temperament, and asking us to root and grow our process.  Connect with feelings and aspirations while the Moon mildly confronts Neptune.

But things heat up quickly this evening when a confrontation between the Moon and Mars energizes us and we enjoy the battles of life and living.  Furthermore, the Moon meeting with Uranus encourages us to feel unrestricted and encourages us  to follow our instincts.  We’re on autopilot now, and a fortunate connection between the Moon and Saturn will help us find our way to truth and honesty.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

Read about financial astrology in “Trading In Sync With Commodities,” by Susan Gidel.

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2018 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

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