The Aries Moon connecting easily to Saturn this morning helps us get focused and tie up loose ends. And a mild confrontation to Mars motivates us to get moving and work for what we want.
Moreover, small but powerful Pluto begins its retrograde motion at 2:35 p.m. ET until early October, and for approximately six months we may refocus our intensity on past events, especially as Pluto reignites previously connections. Revisiting what we once thought was compelling is reinvigorated.
Furthermore, Mercury moving into one of its favorite signs, Gemini, at 6:23 p.m. ET, generates an ability to communicate and connect the dots on matters that need to be clarified. The pace quickens and our mind may feel more alert and facile.
Later the Moon confronting Pluto and moving to Taurus at 8:19 p.m. continues a theme of intensity and willingness to work to grow naturally, yet with purpose.
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