Seek thrills and excitement…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for May 25, 2020

Physical thrills and excitement are appealing, and a desire to do something new or out of the ordinary is highlighted when Mars makes an easy aspect to Uranus.  Find outlets for excess energy.  Quick reflexes will come in handy. Acting on impulse should generate spontaneous fun, especially as the Cancer Moon is also involved in the same aspect with Mars and Uranus.

Moreover, appreciate art done with passion and feeling, and use a keen sense of observation toward creative insight.  A puzzle may intrigue us so put ingenuity to use.

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Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.

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