Improvise for best results…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for July 1, 2020

We prefer to act on impulse rather than comply with a structured playbook when the Sun gets comfortable with Uranus.  Improvise for best results and expect unpredictability to be the norm.

And as the Scorpio Moon connects easily with Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto we find this a good time to get settled and emotionally plugged in.  As our feelings connect to our hopes and dreams, we power through our day with the confidence to ensure our success.  Our need for personal recognition is strong and we use our energy to reach the goal line.

Moreover, retrograde Saturn moving back to Capricorn encourages us to take on more responsibility and climb higher with surefooted assurance we need to achieve. And with the Moon moving to Sagittarius at 9:21 p.m. ET, we are encouraged to take in the broad vista from the mountain top and appreciate the world around us.

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Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.