Adjust to circumstances…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for November 27, 2021

The Sun-Moon third quarter confrontation before next week’s New Moon offers a time to readjust to circumstances that may or may not have worked out for us at the recent Full Moon. As we reorient ourselves to new circumstances, we may take on a new attitude that furthers our progress, or we might consider beginning again.

Moreover, the Virgo Moon challenging Mercury helps to hone our thoughts and meld them with our emotions.  Additionally, the Moon finding discomfort with Saturn and Pluto this afternoon adds to our desire to strip away all that superfluous and get to the heart of the matter.

Nevertheless, pleasant surprises may be in store this evening though, when the Moon forms an easy trine to Uranus. Our efforts may feel as if they are paying off.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane

Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2021 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.

Begin process of elimination…

Daily Planetary Energy Report for December 7, 2020

The Virgo Moon forming early morning aspects to Uranus, Pluto and Mercury generates energy to move forward and devote in-depth thought to matters that hold emotional significance. Surprising revelations may occur to us as we parse a situation closely.

Moreover, Neptune touching a midpoint between Saturn and Uranus signifies that we may be struggling to break free to live the dream we had hoped for.  But Saturn triggering a midpoint between Mercury and Neptune encourages us to put a finer point on what we are seeking, possibly asking us to look for spiritual guidance for direction.

Regardless, the Sun and Moon last quarter confrontation at 7:36 p.m. ET encourages us to adjust our thinking as old systems begin to pass and we feel a need to begin the process of elimination.

Find out how general transits impact your personal chart…order individual readings and forecasts now. 

Add dimension to the Daily Planetary Energy report by reading Planet Girl’s Tarot Today, posted after 8 a.m. ET.


Learn more about Vibrational Astrology in “Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting Aspects,” by Linda Berry and David Cochrane.


Daily Planetary Energy Report © 2020 Copyright Nina Palmer, Planet Girl Consulting, LLC. Inquire about syndication opportunities.